Harvest Missions is the missionary arm of the Harvest Ministries foundation with the following objectives:
- Helping people around the world build a relationship with God so that they will be with Him forever.
- Helping people around the world to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Helping people around the world in their need by providing them with food, clothing, medication and finances.
- Helping people all over the world through… education and training to raise their living standards.
The focus is to invest in people, in the broadest sense of the word. I.e. spiritual, educational, financial and practical. Long-term collaborative projects with individuals and permanent partner organizations are chosen and Harvest Ministries volunteers are deployed for the short and/or longer term.
The foundation has several projects underway and several more projects are planned. The aim is to do this abroad as well HGN-concept to roll out as much as possible and to support various missionary activities in South America, Africa and Asia, among others. For example, several missionaries will be sent out for a longer period of time with the ultimate goal of continuing independently.
The following projects are already operational and function completely independently:
- Mission2Asia – Lodi & Vivi Kuijvenhoven – www.mission2asia.com
- Call2TheNations – Kris-Tina – www.call2thenations.com
- Therismos – https://sites.google.com/site/stichtingtherismos/
- Jaëzer – Roy & Marry Marinussen – www.jaezer.com
- Creator Vision – www.creatorvision.nl
- Triomfator – Willem & Yvette Seinen – www.stichtingtriomfator.com
- Safe House – Dariush Golbaghi – www.my-safehouse.com
- Casas Paz – Roy & Olga Vrede – www.casaspaz.es
- Prayer of Jabez – Kathleen Person – www.jabezz.nl
Furthermore, the following mission organizations are regularly supported:
- Weid Mijn Lammeren – Winston & Gloria Lie-Kwie-Sjoe – www.weidmijnlammeren.org
- Good News Friend Ministries – Wim & Nelly Vlak – goodnewsfriend.nl
- Living Water Village – Ronny & Kay Heyboer – www.heyboer.org
- Serving in Harvest – Selmar & Johanna Snieder – https://ssnieder.wixsite.com/serving-in-harvest/blog