Everyone can give an example of unfair treatment. Sometimes you don’t even understand how a situation suddenly works against you, despite all the good intentions. We often become angry at injustice. Yet it is a challenge not to let yourself become bitter so that it negatively affects your life. The Bible contains many stories of people involving injustice.

Read in Gen. 37 the story of Joseph. A talented boy who had everything, so to speak. He was spoiled by his father, which caused jealousy among his brothers. They picked him up when they got the chance and even originally wanted to kill him. He was in a well, was sold and had no rights anymore. When we talk about injustice, this is a good example.
Perhaps you feel “sold out” by your family or church members. They have brought something negative into your life, which has caused people to view you differently or distance themselves from you.

Realize that God is always there. Do not be tempted to “get back” at someone, as Satan would like to see. God is our judge and He knows every detail of your life. God looks at the motivation of your heart. It doesn’t stop with the unpleasant incident.
Look at Joseph; 15 years later he was the most powerful man in Egypt, the strongest country in the world at that time. His fame precedes him and recovery comes with his family moving to Egypt.

Later in the story, his brothers think that Joseph still wants to take revenge after the death of Jacob, their father. In Gen. 50 we read from verse 18 how Joseph responds. He cried and said, “You don’t have to be afraid of me. Am I God that I can judge and punish you?”
We might already have our judgments ready for the people who have wronged us, but Joseph admits that he can never see the whole as God can. He doesn’t say “shit about it”, he acknowledged that he had been wronged, but he has learned that revenge is not up to him. God has turned injustice for good. He comforted them, he spoke to their hearts and promised to care for their children. Even though he lost 15 years of his life, he wanted to build the relationship with his brothers. He had gained insight into God’s ways. So sometimes God uses injustice to put you in the right position. Satan’s main goal is to make you focus on injustice.

Remember the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. King Saul couldn’t find anyone to fight Goliath. With his action, his victory, he not only restores Saul’s honor but David frees all of Israel.
He played the harp for King Saul when he was plagued by demons. He provided Saul’s daughter Michal in marriage and freed the people. Yet 22 assassination attempts by Saul are described. The injustice is therefore very great.
But David continues to trust God, read Psalm 56 verse 5b “I trust in God and have no fear, what can people do to me?”, while injustice is continuously done to him. Verse 6-7: They continually pervert my words, they devise evil plans against me. They want to attack me and spy on me. They are watching every step I take in the hope of killing me.
So you are not the only one who is being wronged. Sometimes God allows this. Save yourself the energy to figure out why people are doing this to you. Focus on Him and expect His blessing.

Right now and at every moment, God is also being wronged. There are people all the time who cannot appreciate Him. There are so many ways to enjoy the gifts He gives us. And yet there are so many who grumble, curse and curse God because of what is not good in their lives. As He gives us life, lets us breathe and sends His Son to set us free. There are still people who are ungrateful. People can be religious and attend church every week, but that does not mean they are walking with God. God is constantly wronged. This was no different in Israel’s time. He illustrates this with a story in the Bible.

Hosea was a young prophet who walked with God. In Hosea 2:2 we read that God instructed him to go to the red light district, take home a harlot, marry her, and give her all the good things he had. Just as is the case today, prostitutes were in the power of a pimp and slave of money.
So Hosea takes a woman, Gomer, redeems her, marries her, they have three children and in that marriage she was transformed. Later in the story you read that she did run away at some point. The pain this causes Hosea is symbolic of the pain that God experiences daily with our unfaithfulness. This will be discussed in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 states that God tells Hosea to seek her out. She had fallen back into her old pattern with her faith and lives style and passion. She no longer focuses on her previous benefactor, who redeemed her.
The life of Hosea in this book of the Bible is a mirror for the people. So don’t wonder why something happens to you. Rather, ask yourself what God wants to achieve in your life for the world around you.
Jesus was wrongfully murdered, He never committed one sin or evil. He dies with the guilt of the whole world. Do you realize that it’s not about us! So there doesn’t have to be any self-pity or anger when God goes His way with you. Instead, you should praise Him and sing “Do Your will in me” (Revival 510).

Read Heb. 11 I agree, that is a chapter in which all kinds of great names from the Bible have placed their faith and trust in God despite everything, even after injustice. Verse 39-40 All these people became famous because they trusted in God. However, they did not receive what God had promised them. God had a better plan, He did not want them to reach perfection without us.

Practical tips for injustice: Please note that there is no standard “answer” to injustice; sometimes you may think it is an injustice, but it may be your fault.

  1. Do not respond immediately, consult the Holy Spirit, be obedient to His advice;
  2. Take it to God;
  3. Avoid bitterness and resentment, don’t keep coming back to it;
  4. Act from an opposite mind. In Luc. 6:27-38 Jesus gives good advice on how to behave;
  5. Check whether the allegation is justified;
  6. Take initiative yourself. Rom. 12:18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people. (KJV)

It’s not an easy road. Are you willing to walk the way of the Lord? Circumstances will have less and less impact on your life. You are increasingly able to maintain peace and shalom with His help. Get started today!

What to do if you are treated unfairly
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